Diet for weightloss

The Mathematical Model of nutrition, known as the DIP diet, was created by Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury. This diet has been proven effective in obesity, hypertension, bone diseases, diabetes and chronic kidney diseases through clinical trials in India. The DIP diet can help you lose weight upto 1.4 kg in 72 hours (3 days).

How to follow DIP diet ?

The DIP diet contains the following 3 easy steps –

STEP 1 –

Breakfast till 12 noon — Any 4 types of fruits.

Quantity –

Your weight in kg × 10 = ____ gm.

For example – 70 kg × 10 = 700 grams of fruits.

If you are unable to consume 700g of fruits then you consume 600g. Finish the fruits till 12 pm (eg. Finish one fruit then after sometime other fruit……till 12 noon)

STEP 2 –

Lunch / Dinner (Plate 1)

Any 4 types of raw vegetables.

Quantity –

Your weight in kg × 5 = ____ gm.

For example – 70 kg × 5 = 350 grams of raw vegetables.

(Plate 2) Standard meal :

First finish eating above mentioned plate 1, in accordance with the given above calculation. Then take plate 2 as much as you want to eat. The rules for lunch and dinner are same; however, we must try to finish dinner before 7pm or 8pm.

STEP 3 –

Foods to avoid while DIP diet :

  1. Meat, fish, eggs, milk products (any animal product)
  2. Multivitamin tonic and capsules
  3. Refined and packed food
  4. Oily food , street food or junk food

Snacks or beverages you can take while DIP diet : (if you feel hungry at the time of dieting)

  1. Soaked nuts
  2. Hunza tea
  3. Sprouts
  4. Coconut water
  5. Fresh fruit juice

Some side effects of DIP diet :

Headache, Nausea, Abdominal pain, flushing (sense of warmth in the face, ears, neck, and trunk), dizziness, palpitations, edema (swelling), muscle cramps, visual disturbance, shortness of breath, change in bowel habits, and weakness.

Tip : You can sprinkle some Himalayan pink salt or chaat masala over raw fruits or vegetable salad for taste.

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